Core Principles

7 Principles – Recognition

Who doesn’t love recognition? It is human nature to want to feel appreciated for your efforts.  When you think of recognition you probably think of being applauded, thanked, receiving a trophy. But there are actually two sides to recognition, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL and both are essential when pursuing your business.

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Be a Product of the Product

This is probably the simplest and easiest of all the  Core Principles….

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Width Vs Depth

We have seen distributors who have just 4 front line executives earn more commissions then a distributor who has 12 front line executives.  Why? Because of the Width Vs. Depth Principle.  Mastering the Width Vs. Depth principle is the key to creating a stable organization that maximizes the compensation plan.

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Return on Investment

How do I win? Am I making the right decision?  If I make an investment of my time and energy… what is the return on my investment?  Or in other words, “How much money will I make???” and is it worth my time energy and effort?  What was your first question when you started your own business? Was it – How does the money work?  Probably and most likely you reviewed the average incomes and you saw the amazing potential for yourself and others.

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Duplication

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe”  ― Simon Sinek

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Commitment to Excellence

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”  – Aristotle 

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Core Principles

7 Principles – Contribution

It’s a lesson that applies to all areas of life – what you give is what you get.   If that is true then does it make sense that if you give people what they want, then you will get what you want?

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Core Principles

Core Principles

If you were asked, “What attribute is the most influential in regards to the success of a business?” would you know immediately which one is the most important?  Entrepreneurs know that has at the very top of the list is the distinguishing quality of integrity.  Without integrity at the helm of a company, a business is usually short-lived.

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