
Income Disclaimer : Please remember that Nu Skin, like any other business opportunity, requires hard work and is not a get rich quick program. There are no guarantees of success and not all distributors make money. Please refer to the latest Distributor Earnings Summary at nuskin.com for a complete breakdown of average distributor earnings and the percentage of distributors who have earned a commission. Independent Distributor Produced Website: This website is not produced, approved, endorsed, offered, or recommended by Nu Skin Enterprises United States, Inc or its affiliates.

收入免责声明:请记住,如新与任何其他商机一样,需要辛勤工作,并且不是一个快速致富的计划。 没有成功的保证,并不是所有的经销商都能赚钱。 请参阅 nuskin.com上最新的“分销商收入摘要”,以获取有关平均分销商收入和获得佣金的分销商百分比的完整细分。 独立经销商制作的网站:本网站不是由如新企业美国有限公司或其分支机构制作,批准,认可,提供或推荐的网站。